Tag Archives: ear rings

Portrait of our clients–Susan and Alex Lobanov-Rostovski

6 Oct

Susan chose the sweet water pearls with gold spacers and wires ear rings to go with the  double strand of pearls that are so becoming!

Alex has a pair of stainless steel long petals with a shower of red Swarovski crystals hanging and twinkling at night. (No picture available, sorry!)

Portrait of our clients–Cheyenne Splinter

6 Oct

Cheyenne chose the shocking pink and green Swarovski clusters for her favorite color is all shades of pink.

Such good taste for a young lady!

The ephemeral look of hand blown glass

1 Oct

Italian Murano hand blown glass…If you touch it, it bends a little, welcoming your caresses.  The silver and black lines serve as a visual counter point to the strong black  Swarosvski crystals .

When you enter a room, people stop talking.

Murano and Swarovski  created by mortals but revered by the Goddess of Fashion!

Set of pendant with silver chain and ear rings.

Find them at http://festivebazaar.artfire.com